Practicing good conduct of speech | Mirror of Dhamma for Kids

Our Great Teacher Supreme Buddha always practices good conduct of speech. Not only this life, but our Supreme Buddha also practiced in his past lives too. As a result of this, Our Supreme Buddha got great marks on his body. What is the good conduct of speech that our teacher practiced and what are the marks that he obtained in his body?

In past lives, Bodhisattva refrained from lying. Due to performing those deeds, he obtained these two marks: his body-hairs grow one per pore, and between his eyebrows there grows a tuft, soft and white like cotton wool. And what does he obtain as the Buddha? He has many followers who follow his instructions obediently.

In past lives, Bodhisattva refrained from divisive speech. He reunited those who were divided. Due to performing those deeds, he obtained these two marks: he has forty teeth, and his teeth have no gaps. And what does he obtain as Buddha? His assembly of followers cannot be divided.

In past lives, Bodhisattva refrained from harsh speech. He spoke soft kind words, pleasing to the ear, lovely, going to the heart, polite, likable, and agreeable to many people. Due to performing those deeds, he obtained these two marks: he has a large wide tongue and the Voice of Great Brahmā as sweet as the Kuraweeka birds’ call. And what does he obtain as the Buddha? He has a trustworthy voice.

In past lives, Bodhisattva refrained from talking nonsense. His words were timely, true, and meaningful, in line with good things and discipline. Due to performing those deeds, he obtained this mark: his strong jaw is like that of a lion. And what does he obtain as the Buddha? He can’t be destroyed by any foe or enemy whether internal or external; nor by greed, hate, or delusion; nor by any ascetic or god or Māra or any brahmā or by anyone in the world.
Why don’t we all develop these qualities in our lives and practice dhamma constantly?

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