There is more information about meditation on our Meditation Page

Buddhanussati: Verses of Recollection on the Buddha | Guided Meditation
Give it a try yourself and you’ll realize the significance of it!

Satipatthana Sutta – Contemplation of Feeling (part 1)
What types of feelings arising and passing away and how to contemplate them to finally “dwells independent, and not clinging to anything in the world”.

Mindfulness on the Impurities of the Body
Impurities of the Body or the Asubha Bhavana helps us immensely in recognizing and understanding topics such as impermanence, as well as in controlling lust and attachment towards the body.

Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness meditation, we are taught its purpose; to overcome hatred and live peacefully.

Buddhanussati: Verses of Recollection on the Buddha
Buddha’s Qualities are immeasurable, unequalled and foremost; hence the results we gain by wisely contemplating such a Great Person are indeed extraordinary. Let’s meditate!