The True Superheroes of Our Lives

Dhamma Kids Podcast
Dhamma Kids Podcast
The True Superheroes of Our Lives

Namo Buddhaya!
Dearest Dhamma Friends,
Since the day we’ve all learnt of ‘superheroes’, we’ve always been hoping for some kind of miracle to happen to get us an opportunity to meeting these daring and courageous heroes. However the superheroes we’ve known are merely fictional and imaginary characters born out of imagination. Even so, we still do have superheroes. And yes, we’ve all met them! You’ll be surprised to know that when we’ve been dreaming of non-existing superhero characters from comics and movies, the real heroes of our lives have been our shadow since birth all along! Want to know more of these amazing heroes? Then you’ll be wise to listen to our newest episode of the Dhamma Kids Podcast!
Theruwan Saranai!

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