Karaniyametta Sutta | The Discourse on Loving Kindness
This sutta is one of the most complete set of instructions on how to use the practice of loving-kindness to reach enlightenment (10 min).

Mora Paritta Video in Pali and English, from Jataka 159
The verses of protection chanted by Bodhisatta-Peacock which protected him from all dangers.

Snp 2.4 Maha Mangala Sutta: Discourse on Blessings | Pali with English Subtitles Video
Chant along with the Mangla Sutta in Pali while reading the English subtitles.

The Power of Pirith Threads
A short part of a Dhamma sermon by our Most Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera on how human habitation began in Sri Lanka and about the great Power of Pirith thread.

Snp 2.1 Ratana Sutta: Jewels Discourse
This sutta was given by the Supreme Buddha when there was a great famine and infestation of dangerous non-human beings in Vesali. Still we chant this sutta for protection today.

Snp 2.4 Maha Mangala Sutta: Discourse on Blessings
The Supreme Buddha teaches a humble devata about ways that we can collect blessings into our lives.

Snp 1.8 Karaniyametta Sutta
The Supreme Buddha teaches how to practice loving-kindness meditation.

SN 10:12 Ālavaka Suttaṁ: Discourse to Ālavaka the Demon
The Supreme Buddha defeats the Demon Ālavaka with the power of his wisdom.

Paticca Samuppada Samudayo and Nirodho, Arising and Cessation of Causality
The Supreme Buddha teaches about the arising and cessation of this whole mass of suffering.

Angulimala Paritta
This powerful Declaration of Truth was taught by our Supreme Buddha to Arahant Aṅgulimāla to bless a pregnant mother who was in extreme pain, unable to deliver her baby.

SN 2:10 Suriya Paritta, Discourse Given to the Sun Deity
The Sun deity, who has gone for refuge to the Supreme Buddha, was saved from being swallowed by Rāhu the Asura, due to his unshakable confidence in the Supreme Buddha.

SN 2:9 Canda Paritta, Discourse Given to the Moon Deity
The Moon deity, who has gone for refuge to the Supreme Buddha, was saved from being swallowed by Rāhu the Asura, due to his unshakable confidence in the Supreme Buddha.