A Simple guide to Help you. ඔබගේ පහසුව සදහා සරල මාර්ගෝපදේශය ⏱️ Morning Sangha Dana: Around 5:45AM – 6:00AM (You can prepare any menu that is suitable for morning dana) ⏱️ Lunch Sangha Dana: Around 10AM We require time to prepare the Buddha Puja, set up Dhamma Hall, Dana Hall and prepare dana and set…

What happens when there is no wisdom
When you are not wise, that is a big misfortune.

Kamma Changes Love Into Spite
Understand some of the grave consequences of sexual misconduct.

Who is sharing the Dhamma?
A person needs both wisdom and noble friends.

The Happiness That Wipes Out True Happiness
Don’t fall for the trap of sensual pleasures

Tomorrow’s World Seen Through the Buddha’s Eyes
Did you know that our life span will shorten to 10 years?

Rare Human Life
Will you be reborn as a human?

The Beauty of Speaking the Truth
A person who lies is like a vessel turned upside down. They cannot hold any good qualities in them.

A Bottle Changed My Entire Life…
Read this story of a life changing experience.

Dhammadāna: Pāli Word of the Day
The gift of Dhamma surpasses all gifts. The taste of Dhamma surpasses all taste.

Let Us Offer the Blessed One Special Waterless Milk Rice
Learn how to make special milk rice to offer to the Supreme Buddha

Āraddhaviriya: Energetic | Pali Word of the Day
Without being energetic, it is impossible to overcome the defilements that keep us bound to saṁsara.