Narasiha Gatha | Verses of Praise for the Buddha | Pali & English

Cakka varaṁkita ratta supādo – Lakkhaṇa maṇḍita āyata paṇhi
Cāmara chatta vibhūsita pādo – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

His pink, sacred feet are marked with excellent wheels; his long heels are decked with beautiful marks; his feet are adorned with a chowrie and parasol. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Sakya kumāravaro sukhumālo – Lakkhaṇa citthata puṇṇa sarīro
Loka hitāya gato naravīro – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

He is a delicate and noble Sākyan prince; his meritorious body is full of beautiful marks; he is a hero among humans, who acts for the welfare of the world. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Puṇṇa sasaṅka nibho mukha vaṇṇo – Deva narāna piyo naranāgo
Matta gajinda vilāsita gāmī – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

His face shines like the full moon in the sky; he is dear to gods and humans; he walks bravely like a king elephant; Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Khattiya sambhava agga kulīno – Deva manussa namassita pādo
Sīla samādhi patiṭṭhita citto – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

He was born into the noble king’s family. Gods and humans worship his sacred feet; his mind is well established in virtue and concentration. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Āyata tuṅga susaṇṭhita nāso – Gopakhumo abhinīla sunetto
Indadhanū abhinīla bhamūkho – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

Long and prominent is his well-formed nose, his extremely blue eyes shine like those of a calf; like a rainbow are his deep blue eyebrows. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Vaṭṭa sumaṭṭa susaṇṭhita gīvo – Sīhahanū migarāja sarīro
Kañcana succhavi uttama vaṇṇo – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

Round and full is his well-formed neck; his jaw is strong like that of a lion; his smooth body is like that of the king of deer; his beautiful skin shines brightly with a golden colour. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Siniddha sugambhira mañjusu ghoso – Hiṅgula bandhu suratta sujivho
Vīsati vīsati seta sudanto – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

Soft and deep is his sweet voice; his tongue is as red as vermilion; his white teeth are twenty in each row. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Añjana vaṇṇa sunīla sukeso – Kañcana paṭṭa visuddha lalāṭo
Osadhi paṅḍara suddhasu uṇṇo – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

Like the colour of collyrium is his deep blue hair; like a polished golden plate is his forehead; the tuft of hair between the eyebrows is white like the morning star. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

Gacchati nīlapathe viya cando – Tāragaṇā pariveṭhita rūpo
Sāvaka majjhagato samanindo – Esa hi tuyha pitā narasīho

Just as the moon, surrounded by a multitude of stars, travels shining in the sky, even so goes the Lord of monks, surrounded by his many disciples. Look there, my son, he is your father, a lion of men.

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Translation from The Mahamevnawa Pali English Paritta Chanting Book.


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