Mittanisamsa Sutta: The Benefits of Friendship

In this Sutta the Supreme Buddha explains the benefits of good friendship.

  1. Pahūtabhakkho bhavatī – Vippavuttho sakā gharā
    Bahū naṁ upajīvantī – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhatī

    He who maintains genuine friendship will, / whenever he goes far out of his home, / receive an abundance of hospitality. / Many will obtain their living through him.
  2. Yaṁ yaṁ janapadaṁ yātī – Nigame rājadhāniyo
    Sabbattha pūjito hoti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship will, / whatever country, village, or town he visits, / be honoured everywhere.
  3. Nāssa corā pasahanti – Nātimaññeti khattiyo
    Sabbe amitte tarati – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship / will not be over powered by robbers. The king will not look down upon him. He will triumph over all his enemies.
  4. Akkuddho sagharaṁ eti – Sabbhāya paṭinandito
    Ñātīnaṁ uttamo hoti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / returns home with feelings of kindness, / rejoices in the assemblies of people, / and becomes the chief among his relatives.
  5. Sakkatvā sakkato hoti – Garu hoti sagāravo
    Vaṇṇakittibhato hoti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / being hospitable to others, / in turn, receives hospitality. / Being respectful to others, / in turn, receives respect. He enjoys both praise and beauty.
  6. Pūjako labhate pūjaṁ – Vandako paṭivandanaṁ
    Yaso kittiñca pappoti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / being a giver, in turn he receives gifts. Being worshipful to others, / in turn, he is worshipped. He attains prosperity and fame.
  7. Aggi yathā pajjalati – Devatā’va virocati
    Siriyā ajahito hoti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / shines like a fire, / and is radiant as a deity. Never will prosperity forsake him.
  8. Gāvo tassa pajāyanti – Khette vutthaṁ virūhati
    Puttānaṁ phalamasnāti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / will have many breeding cattle. What is sown in the field will flourish. / His children will achieve success in life.
  9. Darito pabbatāto vā – Rukkhāto patito naro
    Cuto patiṭṭhaṁ labhati – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / should he fall from a cliff, mountain or tree, / he will always be protected.
  10. Virūḷhamūlasantānaṁ – Nigrodhamiva māluto
    Amittā nappasahanti – Yo mittānaṁ na dūbhati

    He who maintains genuine friendship, / cannot be overthrown by enemies, even as the deep-rooted banyan tree / cannot be uprooted by the wind.

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Translation from The Mahamevnawa Pali English Paritta Chanting Book.


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