SN 2:9 Canda Paritta, Discourse Given to the Moon Deity

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Evaṁ me sutaṁ. Ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tena kho pana samayena Candimā devaputto Rāhunā asurindena gahito hoti. Atha kho Candimā devaputto Bhagavantaṁ anussaramāno tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi.
Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Blessed One was living in Sāvatthi, at Jetavana, at Anāthapiņḍika’s monastery. At that time Candima, the moon deity, was captured by Rāhu, one of the kings of the Asurās. Thereupon, calling to mind the Blessed One, Candima, the moon deity, recited this stanza:

Namo te Buddha vīra’tthu – Vippamutto’si sabbadhi
Sambādhapaṭipanno’smi – Tassa me saraṇaṁ bhavā’ti

Oh Buddha, the Hero, I pay homage to you. You are completely free from all suffering. I have fallen into trouble. Please be my refuge and help me.

Atha kho Bhagavā Candimaṁ devaputtaṁ ārabbha Rāhuṁ asurindaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi.
Then the Blessed One addressed Rāhu the Asura in verse, on behalf of Candima, the moon deity, thus:

Tathāgataṁ Arahantaṁ – Candimā saraṇaṁ gato
Rāhu candaṁ pamuñcassu – Buddhā lokānukampakā’ti

Oh Rāhu, Candima has gone for refuge to the Tathāgata, the Arahant. Oh Rāhu, release Candima. The Buddhas radiate compassion on the beings of the world.

Atha kho Rāhu asurindo Candimaṁ devaputtaṁ muñcitvā taramānarūpo yena Vepacitti asurindo ten’upasaṅkami. Upasaṅkamitvā saṁviggo lomahaṭṭajāto ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhitaṁ kho Rāhuṁ asurindaṁ Vepacitti asurindo gāthāya ajjhabhāsi.
Thereupon Rāhu the Asura released Candima, the moon deity, and immediately went to the presence of Vepacitti, the leader of Asurās, and stood beside him trembling with fear, with hair standing on end. Then Vepacitti the Asura addressed Rāhu the Asura with this stanza.

Kinnu santaramāno’va – Rāhu, Candaṁ pamuñcasi?
Saṁviggarūpo āgamma – Kinnu bhīto’va tiṭṭhasī’ti?

Rāhu, why did you suddenly release Candima? Why have you come here trembling? And why are you standing here terrified?

Sattadhā me phale muddhā – Jīvanto na sukhaṁ labhe
Buddhagāthābhigīto’mhi – No ce muñceyya Candiman’ti.

I have been spoken to by the Buddha in a stanza requesting me to release Candima. If I had not released Candima my head would have split into seven pieces. If I lived, I would not have had any happiness.

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
By this truth, may there be well-being!

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Translation from The Mahamevnawa Pali English Paritta Chanting Book.


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