Ahaṁ avero homi
May I be free from anger;
abyāpajjho homi
may I be free from ill will;
anīgo homi
may I be free from mental & physical suffering;
sukhī attānaṁ pariharāmi
may I look after myself and live happily.
Ahaṁ viya myhaṁ
As I am,
āchari upajjhāyā
so may my noble mentors,
māthā pitharo
my mother and father,
hitha satthā
friendly beings,
majjhattika satthā
indifferent beings,
verī satthā
and unfriendly beings,
averā hontu
be free from anger;
Abyāpajjhā hontu
be free from ill will;
anīghā hontu
be free from mental & physical suffering;
sukhī atthānaṁ pariharantu
may they look after themselves, live happily,
dukkhā muñchanthu
and be free from suffering.
Yathā laddha sampatthito māvigacchantu
May whatever they have gained, not be lost.
All beings are owners of their kamma.
Imasmiṁ vihāre
In this monastery;
imasmiṁ gocharagāme
in this village;
imasmiṁ nagare
in this city;
imasmiṁ deepe
in this country;
imasmiṁ lankādeepe
in Sri Lanka;
imasmiṁ jambudeepe
in the Indian Subcontinent;
imasmiṁ chakkavāle
in this universe,
issara janā
may prosperous leaders,
sīmattaka devatā
devas within these boundaries,
sabbe satthā
and all beings,
averā hontu
be free from anger;
Abyāpajjhā hontu
be free from ill will;
anīghā hontu
be free from mental & physical suffering;
sukhī atthānaṁ pariharantu
may they look after themselves, live happily,
dukkhā muñchanthu
and be free from suffering.
Yathā laddha sampatthito māvigacchantu
May whatever they have gained, not be lost.
All beings are owners of their kamma.
Puratthimāya disāya
In the eastern direction;
dakkhināya disāya
in the southern direction;
pacchimāya disāya
in the western direction;
uttarāya disāya
in the northern direction;
puratthimāya anudisāya
in the southeast direction;
dakkhināya anudisāya
in the southwest direction;
pacchimāya anudisāya
in the northwest direction;
uttarāya anudisāya
in the northeast direction;
hettimāya disāya
in the direction below;
uparimāya disāya
and in the direction above,
sabbe satthā
may all beings,
sabbe pānā
all living beings,
sabbe bhūtā
all creatures,
sabbe puggalā
all persons,
sabbe atthabhāva pariyāpannā
all individuals,
sabbā itthiyo
all females,
sabbe purisā
all males,
sabbe ariyā
all noble ones,
sabbe anariyā
all worldlings,
sabbe devā
all deities,
sabbe manussā
all humans,
sabbe amanussā
all non-humans,
sabbe vinipāthikā
and all those in the four woeful planes,
averā hontu
be free from anger;
Abyāpajjhā hontu
be free from ill will;
anīghā hontu
be free from mental & physical suffering;
sukhī atthānaṁ pariharantu
may they look after themselves, live happily,
dukkhā muñchanthu
and be free from suffering.
Yathā laddha sampatthito māvigacchantu
May whatever they have gained, not be lost.
All beings are owners of their kamma.
Sabbe satthā sukhīno bhavanthu
May all beings live happily.
Sabbe satthā sukhīno bhavanthu
May all beings live happily.
Sabbe satthā sukhīno bhavanthu
May all beings live happily.