All of us would like to make utmost offering to the Lord Buddha. When the Buddha Pooja is performed properly it will generate many great effects. But most people do not know how to make certain sacrifices in the correct way. Therefore, we thought that the best way to prepare waterless special milk rice for the Blessed One, out of all the various offerings is shown by Mahamegha today.

By preparing and offering the special waterless milk rice, many great effects will generate. The book states that the Maha Brahma held an umbrella above and the four great kings had come and guarded the four corners. God Saka has lit the sandalwood to cook it and Deities have added heavenly ingredients when preparing it. We are writing about making such a great offering to the lord Buddha today.
The Daughter of Sujatha Situ offered that special Milk rice to the Blessed One at the Senani Niyam village of Uruwel colony, on the day of the superb Vesak full moon poya day 2605 years ago. The blessed one who was in the Vajirasana that evening, having attained the Supreme enlightenment
This is how we prepare the special waterless milk rice to do an utmost offering to our Blessed one and Mahā Saṅgha.
(Here are the quantities per kilogram of milk rice)
- 1 kg suvandal rice
- 125g dried cashews
- 200g dried grapes (raisins)
- 250 grams dates
- 2 apples
- 4 King coconuts
- 5 litres of fresh Milk
- 100 grams Butter (margarine unsuitable)
- 15 grams Cardamom
- 15 grams Cloves
- A few strawberries
- Honey (1/4 for decoration)
- Salt
The method

- Wash suwandal rice with king coconut water.
- Then soak the suwandal rice in the king coconut water for half an hour.
- Fry the cardamom and cloves, grind it to a powdery solution. Boil it in a little bit of milk to flavour it. Then drain the bits and keep aside.
- Take 5 litres of milk and boil. When it is boiling, add the previously flavoured milk and add some butter to it.
- After half an hour, add the soaked rice in to the boiling milk. Then continue to stir to prevent drying out, to avoid overheating and spilling.
- In the meantime, check periodically to see if the rice is nearly cooked to prevent over cooking. Then, add cashew nuts to it. It is important to add the raisins in the last minute as otherwise the taste will change.
- Keep on the cooker until it is cooked only. The milk can curdle when removed from the cooker. Avoid heating until the thickness is gone.
- Now, transfer the cooked milk rice into a clean bowl with a clean spoon. It will solidify after a while even though it is still not firm.
- Add the honey smoothly and sufficiently in a creative way. Decorate nicely with sliced apples, strawberries, cashew nuts and raisins.

Then cover it with an elegant covering and offer it with great devotion to the blessed one and to the Most Ven. Maha Sangha.
It is best to prepare milk rice wearing a mask, in a clean place, wearing clean cloths and using clean equipment. It would be better if you could cover the roof as well if possible. Prepare them by listening or thinking of the Buddha’s qualities with a happy mind. Avoid talking because you might spit into the meal. That is why it is important to wear a mask.
In this way, you will be able to prepare a special waterless milk rice and offer it to the Blessed One and the Maha Sangha with a confident mind and receive utmost effects in the saṁsara.
Namo Buddhaya!