Divaguhava: Fifth of Sixteen Sacred Places in Sri Lanka

The Divaguhawa cave temple, which is located in a deep jungle, is today well-known for being a sacred location.

Significance of Divaguhawa

  • On Supreme Buddha’s third visit to Sri Lanka (on the visit to Kelaniya) on the Vesak full moon poya day Lord Buddha spent time in this place in the afternoon
  • The Sri Pada is visible from here
  • My homage to the meritorious land of Divaguhawa where Great Arahants who destroyed lust, hatred and delusion, who received the eternal happiness and became free from this samsara used to reside in the past.

Places to Visit

  • Bathathota Lena Viharaya (0 km)
  • Sthree Pura Cave (0.18 km)
  • Delgamuwa Rajamaha Viharaya ( 6.35km )
  • Historic Naga Bodhi (8.45km)

Stanzas to worship Divaguhawa

ලංකා මහිවරවධු මකුටායමානේ
අස්මිං සමන්තගිරිමුද්ධනි යත්ථ ලේණේ
සත්ථා දිවාවිහරනණං හි විහාසි තස්මා
වන්දාමි දේවමහිතං හි දිවාගුහංතං

Laṅkā mahivaravadhu makuṭāyamāne
Asmiṃ samantagirimuddhani yattha leṇe
Satthā divāviharanaṇaṃ hi vihāsi tasmā
Vandāmi devamahitaṃ hi divāguhaṃtaṃ

Directions to Divaguhawa

To visit this temple, devotees have to travel seven kilometers on a narrow Erathna-Kuruwita road that leads to Adam’s Peak. This road leads to the Batatota junction, where visitors can continue for half a kilometer to the foot of the Batatota mountain. The Divaguhawa cave temple is reached through a flight of beautifully carved stone steps.

Directions from Colombo: About 4hr (87.8 km) via Avissawella Rd and Colombo – Batticaloa Hwy/Colombo – Ratnapura – Wellawaya – Batticaloa Rd/A4

Open Hours: Daily: 6 am to 6 pm
Contact Information: Phone:  0452 261 590


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