We practice this meditation at our programmes for children and adults, as well as on the podcast Monks in the Morning.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / eradicated passion / hatred and delusion.
Supreme Buddha /
eradicated the desire of / seeing forms
eradicated the desire of / hearing sounds
eradicated the desire of / smelling odors
eradicated the desire of / tasting flavors
eradicated the desire of / touching tangibles
eradicated the desire of / thinking thoughts
Supreme Buddha / controlled sense faculties / guarded sense faculties / restrained sense faculties.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / is free from defilements.
Supreme Buddha / purified his body / speech and mind.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is an Arahant / Arahaṁ / Arahaṁ / Arahaṁ
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / understood suffering / as a Noble Truth / without anyone’s help.
Supreme Buddha / eradicated the cause of suffering / as a Noble Truth / without anyone’s help.
Supreme Buddha / attained the cessation of suffering / as a Noble Truth / without anyone’s help.
Supreme Buddha / followed the way / leading to the cessation of suffering / as a Noble Truth / without anyone’s help.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / realized the Four Noble Truths /
escaped from suffering / and achieved true happiness.
Supreme Buddha / is Sammā Sambuddho / Sammā Sambuddho / Sammā Sambuddho.
My great teacher, Supreme Buddha / had the knowledge / to read others minds. Supreme Buddha / had the knowledge / to recollect past lives of beings. Supreme Buddha / had the knowledge / to see passing away / and rebirth of beings. Supreme Buddha / had the knowledge / of the destruction of all taints. Supreme Buddha / developed excellent psychic powers. Supreme Buddha / had an excellent virtue / concentration / and wisdom.
In this way / my great teacher / Supreme Buddha / is Vijjācarana Sammpanno / Vijjācarana Sammpanno / Vijjācarana Sammpanno.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / discovered a very clear path / and attained Nibbāna.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is Sugato / Sugato / Sugato.
My great teacher/ Supreme Buddha / understood all the worlds /
and escaped from all these worlds.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is Lokavidū / Loka vidū / Loka vidū.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / had an excellent ability / to tame beings / with great compassion.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is anuttaro purisadamma sarati /
anuttaro purisadamma sarati /anuttaro purisadamma sarati.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / is the teacher of gods and humans.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is Sattā devamanussānaṁ/ Sattā devamanussānaṁ /Sattā devamanussānaṁ.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / taught the excellent Dhamma to others / without holding anything back.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is Buddho / Buddho / Buddho.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / is the one and only / extra ordinary / supreme teacher / with all of these great qualities.
In this way / Supreme Buddha / is Bhagava / Bhagava / Bhagava.
My great teacher / Supreme Buddha / is an Arahant.
Supreme Buddha / is fully enlightened.
Supreme Buddha / possessed true knowledge and good conduct.
Supreme Buddha / is the well gone one.
Supreme Buddha / is the knower of worlds.
Supreme Buddha / is the incomparable teacher of taming persons.
Supreme Buddha / is the teacher of gods and humans.
Supreme Buddha / is fully enlightened.
Supreme Buddha / is the Blessed One.
Iti pi so bhagavā, arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho, vijjācaranasampanno, sugato, lokavidū, anuttaro purisadammasārathi, satthā devamanussānaṁ, buddho, bhagavā ti.